Concise Minutes - Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Meeting time: 09.00 - 12.20
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

Christine Chapman AM (Chair)

Peter Black AM

Alun Davies AM

Janet Finch-Saunders AM

Mike Hedges AM

Mark Isherwood AM

Bethan Jenkins AM

Gwyn R Price AM

John Griffiths AM (In place of Gwenda Thomas AM)

Lindsay Whittle AM


Dyfed Edwards, Gwynedd County Council

Phil Murphy, Welsh Local Government Association

Leighton Andrews AM, The Minister for Public Services

Lisa James, Welsh Government

Ben Crudge, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Elizabeth Wilkinson (Second Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Deputy Clerk)




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1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1        The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting

1.2        Apologies for absence were received from Gwenda Thomas AM. John Griffiths AM substituted for Gwenda Thomas AM in accordance with Standing Order 17.48.



2       Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill: evidence session 4 - WLGA

2.1 The Committee received evidence from:

·         Councillor Dyfed Edwards, WLGA Plaid Cymru Group Leader

·         Councillor Huw George, WLGA Independent Group Representative

·         Councillor Phil Murphy, WLGA Conservative Group Representative

·         Councillor Rob Stewart, WLGA Labour Group Representative

·         Steve Thomas, Chief Executive, WLGA


2.2 The following Members declared a relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

·         Peter Black

·         Lindsay Whittle



3       Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill: evidence session 5 - Minister for Public Services

3.1 The Committee received evidence from:

·         Leighton Andrews AM, Minister for Public Services





4       Papers to note

4.1 The Committee noted the papers.



5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting and for the meetings of 25 February, and 2, 10 and 16 March 2016

5.1 The Committee agreed the motion.



6       Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill - discussion of evidence

6.1 The Committee discussed the evidence heard during Items 2 and  3



7       Inquiry into the BBC Charter Review: consideration of the draft report

7.1 The Committee discussed the draft report.



8       Consideration of the draft revised memorandum of understanding relating to the BBC Charter Review

8.1 The Committee discussed its approach to considering the draft revised Memorandum.
